Aaron Sams has been an educator since 2000. He operates the education consulting firm Sams Learning Designs, is an Instructor of Education at Saint Vincent College, and serves as an advisor to TED-Ed. In 2009 he was awarded the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching while teaching Chemistry in Woodland Park, CO and serving as co-chair of the Colorado State Science Standards Revision Committee. Aaron has co-authored seven books on the Flipped Classroom concept. Aaron is an internationally recognized education keynote speaker and has trained thousands of teachers, administrators, and professors to integrate new technology with sound pedagogy. With experience in public, private, and home schools, in both face-to-face, online, and blended learning environments, Aaron brings a unique educational perspective to any audience. He is a lifelong learner, reader, maker, and explorer. He holds both a B.S. in Biochemistry, an M.A.Ed. from Biola University, and is pursuing a Ph.D. through Texas Tech.
Hi Aaron,
I was at your session “Firming Up Your Flipped Classroom” on Monday. In this coming school year, I’d like to implement flipped classroom and gamification. I have not done either so far. But have been considering about them. Any thoughts whether and how these 2 would mesh together? Thanks!
Hi Karen. We actually have a chapter on exactly that in our second book called Flipped Learning. Teachers doing this start with flip, move to flipped-mastery, then gamify the mastery system.